Pulitzer Prizes: Correspondence
Updated September 9, 2022 |
Infoplease Staff

- 1929
- Paul Scott Mowrer (Chicago Daily News)
- 1930
- Leland Stowe (New York Herald Tribune)
- 1931
- H. R. Knickerbocker (Philadelphia Public Ledger and New York Evening Post)
- 1932
- Walter Duranty (New York Times); Charles G. Ross (St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
- 1933
- Edgar Ansel Mowrer (Chicago Daily News)
- 1934
- Frederick T. Birchall (New York Times)
- 1935
- Arthur Krock (New York Times)
- 1936
- Wilfred C. Barber (Chicago Tribune)
- 1937
- Anne O'Hare McCormick (New York Times)
- 1938
- Arthur Krock (New York Times)
- 1939
- Louis P. Lochner (Associated Press)
- 1940
- Otto D. Tolischus (New York Times)
- 1941
- Group award1
- 1942
- Carlos P. Romulo (Philippines Herald)
- 1943
- Hanson W. Baldwin (New York Times)
- 1944
- Ernie Pyle (Scripps–Howard Newspaper Alliance)
- 1945
- Harold V. (Hal) Boyle (Associated Press)
- 1946
- Arnaldo Cortesi (New York Times)
- 1947
- Brooks Atkinson (New York Times)
1. For the public services and the individual achievements of American news reporters in the war zones.