Pulitzer Prizes: Beat Reporting
Updated September 9, 2022 |
Infoplease Staff

- 1991
- Natalie Angier (New York Times)
- 1992
- Deborah Blum (Sacramento Bee)
- 1993
- Paul Ingrassia and Joseph B. White (Wall Street Journal)
- 1994
- Eric Freedman and Jim Mitzelfeld (Detroit News)
- 1995
- David M. Shribman (Boston Globe)
- 1996
- Bob Keeler (Newsday [Long Island, N.Y.])
- 1997
- Byron Acohido (Seattle Times)
- 1998
- Linda Greenhouse (New York Times)
- 1999
- Chuck Philips and Michael A. Hiltzik (Los Angeles Times)
- 2000
- George Dohrmann (St. Paul Pioneer Press)
- 2001
- David Cay Johnston (New York Times)
- 2002
- Gretchen Morgenson (New York Times)
- 2003
- Diana K. Sugg (Baltimore Sun)
- 2004
- Daniel Golden (Wall Street Journal)
- 2005
- Amy Dockser Marcus (Wall Street Journal)
- 2006
- Dana Priest (Washington Post)