Which Country Shares the Most Borders?

The Question:
What country is bordered by the greatest number of other countries?
The Answer:
China and Russia each share a common border with 14 other countries. According to the CIA, the countries and length of their borders are:
China: Afghanistan 76 km; Bhutan 470 km; India 3,380 km; Kazakhstan 1,533 km; North Korea 1,416 km; Kyrgyzstan 858 km; Laos 423 km; Mongolia 4,673 km; Myanmar (Burma) 2,185 km; Nepal 1,236 km; Pakistan 523 km; Russia 3,645 km; Tajikistan 414 km; and Vietnam 1,281 km.
Russia: Azerbaijan 284 km; Belarus 959 km; China 3,645 km; Estonia 294 km; Finland 1,313 km; Georgia 723 km; Kazakhstan 6,846 km; North Korea 19 km; Latvia 217 km; Lithuania 227 km; Mongolia 3,441 km; Norway 167 km; Poland 206 km; and Ukraine 1,576 km. (Note: Lithuania and Poland only border Kaliningrad, a Russian section separated from the rest of the country.)
Brazil is next, sharing a border with ten countries, including: Argentina 1,224 km; Bolivia 3,400 km; Colombia 1,643 km; French Guiana 673 km; Guyana 1,119 km; Paraguay 1,290 km; Peru 1,560 km; Suriname 597 km; Uruguay 985 km; and Venezuela 2,200 km.
The Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo each share borders with nine countries.
To learn more about any of the countries mentioned in this answer be sure to check out our Countries of the World page or the Infoplease Atlas.
-The Editors