Recently Suspended Armed Conflicts

Updated July 10, 2020 | Infoplease Staff
Main warring parties Years of
Serbia and Montenegro vs. Kosovo 1998–2006
Angola vs. Cabinda 1994–2006
Indonesia vs. Christians and Muslims in Molucca Islands 1977–2006
Nepal vs. Maoist rebels 1995–2006
Israel vs. Lebanon 2006
Indonesia vs. Aceh separatists 1976–2005
Sudan vs. Sudanese People's Liberation Army1 1983–2004
Haiti vs. rebel groups 2004
Solomon Islands vs. Malaitan Eagle Force and Isatabu Freedom Movement 1998–2003
Liberia vs. LURD rebels 2000–2003
Angola vs. UNITA 1975–2002
Sierra Leone vs. RUF 1991–2002
Chad vs. Muslim separatists (MDJT) 1998–2002
Burundi: Tuti vs. Hutu1 1988–2001
Taliban vs. Northern Alliance 1995–2001
Indonesia vs. East Timor 1975–2000
Tajikistan vs. United Tajik Opposition (UTO) 1992–2000
Ethiopia vs. Eritrea 1998–2000
Fiji vs. insurgents 2000
1. Cease-fire remains tenuous.
Sources: Project Ploughshares, , and news sources.

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