
Timeline of Immigration Legislation in the U.S.

Immigration Milestones

U.S. Immigration Statistics

Biographies of Notable U.S. Immigrants

The Green Card

Facts on Immigration in the United States

The Foreign-Born Population in the United States, 1980-2010

Foreign-Born Population in the United States by State

Immigrants Admitted by Region and Country of Birth, 2003-2012

Foreign-Born Population in the U.S.: 1850-2014

Immigrants to U.S. by Country of Origin, 1840-1996

Countries of Birth of the Foreign-Born Population, 1850-2011

Highly Skilled Migrant Workers in the U.S., 2014

Highly Skilled Migrant Workers in the U.S., 2012


Population/Demographics Race & Ethnicity American Indians


Race & Population
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