Survivor II Predictions

Who did you think would win the million dollars?
by Gerry Brown |
These Predictions Were Made in the Spring of 2001.
![]() Tennessee mom Tina Wesson is one of three players remaining on Survivor: The Australian Outback. (Source: CBS Media) Related Links |
The final contestants on Survivor II: The Australian Outback have a tough act to follow. Last season's final episode gave us the television moment of 2000 when a scorned Susan Hawk bitterly rebuked Kelly Wigglesworth in a Shakespearean diatribe imploring the jury to vote for Richard Hatch, which they did.
Will this year's finale approach the drama of last season? Not likely, but reasons to watch remain. Can Keith Famie, the obvious black sheep of the remaining players, beat the odds and emerge with the $1 million? Will golden boy Colby Donaldson take the money and buy his dear mother a diamond tiara? Or will Tennesseean Tina Wesson implant herself as the ultimate victor?
In Case You Haven't Figured It Out Yet
Here's how the final episode will work. There will be an immunity challenge prior to the vote between the final three survivors. One person will be voted off and join Alicia, Amber, Elisabeth, Jerri, Nick, and Rodger on the seven-person jury.
Once the final two players have been determined, the jury will pick a winner by secret ballot. The winner of the $1 million prize will be revealed live on the air during Thursday's show.
Immunity Challenge A Huge Deal
Obviously the final immunity challenge plays a big part in deciding the final outcome. Last year it was an endurance challenge (remember Rudy, Richard, and Kelly standing with their hands on that pole?). If it's the same kind of challenge this season, Colby has the advantage. He's won the past four challenges and therefore has been eating a lot more—and better—than his competition.
Here is the breakdown of the possible challenge results and what that should mean for the final two.
- If Colby wins immunity...Colby votes for Tina because he knows he has a better chance of beating Keith in a vote. The final two: Colby and Keith. Colby wins vote!
- If Tina wins immunity...Tina votes for Colby because she knows she has a better chance of beating Keith in a vote. The final two: Tina and Keith. Tina wins vote!
- If Keith wins immunity... Keith votes for Colby because he knows he has little chance of beating either Tina or Colby in a vote so he votes Colby off to give Tina the money as a payback for when she volunteered to quit the immunity challenge for Keith's benefit in episode 7. The final two: Tina and Keith. Tina wins vote!
![]() Colby Donaldson was surprised in the Outback by his mother. (Source: CBS Media) ![]() Professional chef Keith Famie may be the surprise winner of one million dollars. (Source: CBS Media) |
Will Colby Win?
Despite his status as the favorite, if Colby wants to win the money he needs to continue his four-week-old winning streak in the immunity challenges. Keith has a free pass to the final two and the $100,000 prize for the runner-up. He should be able to take a nice honeymoon following his pending nuptials.
Of the three possible scenarios, Tina wins the big prize in two of them. However, if Colby wins immunity, and he very well could, he'll take the $1 million back to Texas with him. (Keep in mind that I made predictions before the final episode of the original Survivor and got it horribly wrong.)
Another Runaway Hit
Although this season doesn't have last year's colorful characters like the oft-naked Richard Hatch, truck driver Susan Hawk, Rudy "I like Rich but not in a homosexual way" Boesch, and Kelly "the one woman crime spree" Wigglesworth, it was still enjoyable. And judging from the all-important ratings, it was another runaway hit. Still, it was obvious that the producers picked on the prettier side for this season but expect them to go for a better mix of hardbodies and interesting personalities in the inevitable season three.
In the meantime, reality TV junkies will have to settle for the Survivor: Back From the Outback special that will air the week after the grand finale. The special will follow the contestants as they return to their hometowns and live through their waning 15 minutes of fame.