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Adler, Stella

(Encyclopedia) Adler, StellaAdler, Stellaădˈlər [key], 1901–92, American actress, director, and acting teacher, b. New York City. The daughter of Jacob and Sarah Adler, stars in New York's Yiddish…

Adler, Larry

(Encyclopedia) Adler, Larry (Lawrence Cecil Adler)Adler, Larryădˈlər [key], 1914–2001, American harmonica player, b. Baltimore. Adler, whose career spanned seven decades, is generally credited with…

Adler, Dankmar

(Encyclopedia) Adler, Dankmar, 1844–1900, American architect who, as a partner of Louis Sullivan, was an important influence on modern American architecture. Born in Germany, he immigrated to the…

Adler, Elmer

(Encyclopedia) Adler, ElmerAdler, Elmerădˈlər [key], 1884–1962, American bibliophile and printer, b. Rochester, N.Y. From 1930 to 1940 he published The Colophon, a highly regarded quarterly of…

Adler, Alfred

(Encyclopedia) Adler, AlfredAdler, Alfredädˈlər [key], 1870–1937, Austrian psychologist, founder of the school of individual psychology. Although one of Sigmund Freud's earlier associates, he…

Adler, Jerry

(Encyclopedia) Adler, Jerry: see under Adler, Larry.

Robert Adler Biography

physicist and inventorDied: Feb. 15, 2007 (Boise, Idaho) Inventor who held about 200 U.S. patents, the most famous of which was the first wireless television…

Adler, H. G.

(Encyclopedia) Adler, H. G. (Hans Günther Adler)Adler, H. G.häns günˈtər ädˈlər [key], 1910–88, modernist author and Holocaust studies pioneer, b. Prague to a German Jewish family, studied Charles…

Ethical Culture movement

(Encyclopedia) Ethical Culture movement, originating in the Society for Ethical Culture, founded in New York City in 1876, by Felix Adler. Its aim is “to assert the supreme importance of the ethical…