Year in Review, 2011: World News

Major World News Stories of 2011
by Beth Rowen
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The year 2011 was undoubtedly one of the most momentous in recent memory. Indeed, the Arab Spring brought down several long-entrenched Middle Eastern leaders, U.S. Navy SEALS killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan, the Palestinians requested statehood at the UN, and the euro debt crisis threatened the stability of Europe. With the continued instability in both the Middle East and Europe, 2012 looks to be just as tumultuous. Here's an overyview and analysis of some of the biggest international stories of 2011.
Arab Spring Creates Tumult in the Middle EastAnti-government demonstrations gripped several countries in the Middle East in 2011
European Nations Battered by Euro Debt CrisisThe leaders of Greece, Italy, and Spain lost their jobs as a result of the financial debacle
Osama bin Laden Killed in PakistanThe mastermind behind the September 11, 2011, terrorist attacks is finally found and killed
Iran Continues to Pursue Nuclear ProgramReport of continued progress in nuclear program draws harsher sanctions
U.S. Withdraws Completely from IraqPresident Obama announced in October that all troops will leave Iraq by the end of the year
Hope for Peace Fades for Israelis and PalestiniansPalestinian request statehood at UN dashes hope for peace
Pakistan's Relationship with U.S. Steadily DeterioratesSeries of events further strains already tense situation
Earthquake in Japan Causes Wide Destruction and a Nuclear Disaster9.0 magnitude earthquake triggered a nuclear crisis
Parliamentary Elections Spark Massive Anti-Kremlin Protests in RussiaVladimir Putin's Party Accused of Voting Fraud
Phone-Hacking Scandal a Major Embarrassment for Media MogulNews of the World Controversy Becomes World News
World Population Reaches a New MilestoneThe world's population reached 7 billion on October 31, 2011
London Hosts a Royal WeddingPrince William and Kate Middleton Marry in a Lavish Ceremony
Leader of North Korea DiesThe uncertainty following Kim Jong-il's death put the world on high alert
- More from Year in Review