Number of Farms, Land in Farms, and Average-Size Farm:
United States, 1990-2007
Updated August 5, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

Find data below on the average size and number of farms in the United States.
Year | Number of farms | Land in farms (1,000 acres) | Average farm size (acres) |
1990 | 2,145,820 | 986,850 | 460 |
1991 | 2,116,760 | 981,736 | 464 |
1992 | 2,107,840 | 978,503 | 464 |
1993 | 2,201,590 | 968,845 | 440 |
1994 | 2,197,690 | 965,935 | 440 |
1995 | 2,196,400 | 962,515 | 438 |
1996 | 2,190,500 | 958,675 | 438 |
1997 | 2,190,510 | 956,010 | 436 |
1998 | 2,191,360 | 953,500 | 435 |
1999 | 2,192,070 | 947,440 | 432 |
2000 | 2,172,280 | 943,090 | 434 |
2001 | 2,155,680 | 941,310 | 437 |
2002 | 2,158,090 | 941,480 | 436 |
2003 | 2,126,860 | 938,750 | 441 |
2004 | 2,112,970 | 936,295 | 443 |
2005 | 2,100,990 | 933,400 | 444 |
2006 | 2,089,000 | 932,430 | 446 |
2007 | 2,076,000 | 930,920 | 449 |
NOTE: A farm is any establishment from which $1,000 or more of agricultural products were sold or would normally be sold during the year.
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture. Web: .
Number of Farms by State, 2001-2005 | U.S. Economy and the Federal Budget | Agricultural Output by State, 2004 Crops |