U.S. Cities

Since the founding of St. Augustine, Florida in 1565, the United States has seen a steady rise in its cities across all fifty states. The urban population today is larger than it's ever been, in total and in proportion. Many of the country's most recognizable landmarks and institutions are found in its major cities, and the urban landscape of America is a central setting for film, literature, music, and more. Learn about the many cities that help define the U.S., and find information on weather, population, facts, history, and landmarks of major U.S. cities.
Population Statistics
A country is nothing without its people, and the United States is the same. The U.S. is currently the world's third most populous country, full of a bustling and diverse population from Anchorage to Miami. To learn more about the people of the United States, where they live, and where they come from, check out our links below.
Profiles of the 50 Largest Cities of the United States
Top 50 Cities in the U.S. by Population and Rank
Population of the 20 Largest U.S. Cities, 1900–2012
Largest African-American Populations
Largest Hispanic-American Populations
Foreign-Born Population in Metropolitan Areas
Geographic Information
The cities and states of the United States are far from uniform. The U.S. covers a wide geographical range, with diverse climates. These natural factors play a large part in determining where and how people live. Read more about the environmental factors of U.S. cities, the populations of those cities, and which cities stand out the most to visitors from abroad.
Top U.S. States and Cities Visited by Overseas Travelers
Latitude and Longitude of U.S. and Canadian Cities
Area Codes: United States, Canada, Caribbean
Health and Social Statistics
The story of public health and safety in the United States is long and fraught with troubles. Pollution and crime still pose problems in cities across the U.S. But, thanks to advances in medicine and public outreach, people are getting healthier, and access to medical care has improved. Discover some facts about the state of public health and safety, including the cities with the most violent crime, and more.
America's Worst Places for Spring Allergies, 2015
Safest and Most Dangerous, 2014
Safest and Most Dangerous, 2013
Crime Rates for Selected Metro Areas
America's 25 Most Ozone-Polluted Metropolitan Areas
Cultural Information
The different cities of the United States have many features that make them unique, from colleges to historical sites to corner cafes. Infoplease has the information you need about some of the highlights. Read on to learn about some important firsts, some of the best spots in the country, and some interesting facts about local culture around the U.S.
Ten Best Metropolitan Areas in the United States
America's Most Gay-Friendly Towns
America's Most Livable Communities
America's “Capitals of the World”
Just looking at facts and figures can't always give you a very clear idea of what a city is like. To help you out, Infoplease has pulled together some slideshows. Check out our previews of some of America's most prominent cities.
Cherry Blossoms of Washington, D.C.