- Aaron's-Beard
- Aaron's-Rod
- Abacá
- Abutilon
- Acacia
- Açaí
- Acanthus
- Acerola
- Achene
- Aconite
- Acorn
- Adam's-Needle
- Adder's-Tongue
- African Violet
- Agalloch
- Agave, In Botany
- Ageratum
- Agilawood
- Agrimony
- Ailanthus
- Alder
- Alfalfa
- Alligator Pear
- Allspice
- Almond
- Aloe
- Aloes
- Alsike
- Althaea
- Alyssum
- Amanita
- Amaranth
- Amaryllis
- Amole
- Ampelopsis
- Anchovy Pear
- Anemone
- Angelica
- Anise
- Antelope Brush
- Apple
- Apricot
- Aquilegia
- Arborvitae
- Arbutus, Trailing
- Arethusa, In Botany
- Arnica
- Arrowhead
- Arrowroot
- Arrowwood
- Artemisia, In Botany
- Artichoke
- Arum
- Ash, In Botany
- Asparagus
- Aspen, In Botany
- Asphodel
- Aster
- Autumn Crocus
- Avocado
- Azalea
- Baby's Breath
- Bachelor's Button
- Bald Cypress
- Balm
- Balm Of Gilead
- Balsa
- Balsam Fir
- Balsam, Garden
- Bamboo
- Banana
- Baneberry
- Banksia
- Banyan
- Baobab
- Barbados Cherry
- Barberry
- Barley
- Basil
- Basswood
- Bay
- Bay Leaf
- Bayberry
- Beach Grass
- Bean
- Bear's-Breech
- Bearberry
- Beardtongue
- Bedstraw
- Bee Balm
- Beech
- Beet
- Beggar-Tick
- Beggarweed
- Begonia
- Belladonna Lily
- Bellflower, In Botany
- Bent Grass
- Bergamot
- Bermuda Grass
- Big Tree
- Bignonia
- Bindweed
- Birch
- Bird-Of-Paradise Flower
- Birthwort
- Bitterroot, In Botany
- Bittersweet
- Black Gum
- Black Haw
- Black Locust
- Black-Eyed Bean
- Black-Eyed Susan
- Blackberry
- Blackthorn
- Blackwood
- Bladderwort
- Blanketflower
- Blazing Star
- Bleeding Heart
- Bloodroot
- Blue-Eyed Grass
- Bluebell
- Blueberry
- Bluebonnet
- Bluebottle
- Bluegrass
- Bluet
- Bo Tree
- Bombax
- Boneset
- Borage
- Borecole
- Boston Ivy
- Bougainvillaea
- Bougainvillea
- Bouncing Bet
- Bowwood
- Box
- Box Elder
- Boysenberry
- Bracken
- Brake, In Botany
- Bramble
- Brazil Nut
- Brazilwood
- Breadfruit
- Breadroot
- Briar
- Bridal Wreath
- Brier
- Bristlecone Pine
- Broccoli
- Brodiea
- Brome Grass
- Bromeliad
- Broom
- Broom Rape
- Broomcorn
- Brussels Sprouts
- Bryony
- Bryophyta
- Buckeye
- Buckthorn
- Buckwheat
- Buddleia
- Buffalo Berry
- Buffalo Bur
- Buffalo Clover
- Buffalo Grass
- Bugbane
- Bull Nettle
- Bulrush
- Bunchberry
- Bunya-Bunya
- Bur Grass
- Bur Marigold
- Burdock
- Burnet
- Burning Bush
- Butter-And-Eggs
- Buttercup
- Butterfly Flower
- Butterfly Weed
- Butternut
- Butterwort
- Buttonwood
- Cabbage
- Cacao
- Cactus
- Caladium
- Calamander Wood
- Calamus
- Calceolaria
- Calendula
- California Poppy
- Calla
- Calliopsis
- Calycanthus
- Camass
- Camellia
- Camomile
- Campanula
- Campion
- Canada Rice
- Canada Thistle
- Canafistula
- Canaigre
- Canary Wood
- Candleberry
- Candytuft
- Cane, In Botany
- Canna
- Cannabis
- Cantaloupe
- Canterbury Bells
- Cape Jasmine
- Caper
- Caprifig
- Carambola
- Caraway
- Cardamom
- Cardinal Flower
- Carnation
- Carnivorous Plants
- Carob
- Carrot
- Casaba Melon
- Cashew
- Cassava
- Cassia
- Castor Bean
- Catalpa
- Catchfly
- Catnip
- Cattail
- Cattleya
- Cauliflower
- Cedar
- Celandine
- Celery
- Century Plant
- Cereus
- Ceylon Gooseberry
- Chamomile
- Chard
- Charlock
- Checkerberry
- Cherry
- Chervil
- Chestnut
- Chickpea
- Chickweed
- Chicory
- China Grass
- Chinchona
- Chinquapin
- Chive
- Chokecherry
- Christ's-Thorn
- Christmas Fern
- Christmas Rose
- Christmasberry
- Chrysanthemum
- Cicely
- Cinchona
- Cineraria
- Cinnamon
- Cinnamon Vine
- Cinquefoil
- Citrange
- Citron
- Citronella
- Citrus Fruits
- Clary
- Clematis
- Clotbur
- Clove
- Clover
- Club Moss
- Club Rush
- Coca
- Cocklebur
- Cockscomb
- Cocksfoot
- Cocoa-Plum
- Coconut
- Coffee
- Coffee Tree, Kentucky
- Cohosh
- Cola
- Coleus
- Collards
- Coltsfoot
- Columbine, In Botany
- Compass Plant
- Composite
- Coneflower
- Conifer
- Convolvulus
- Copra
- Coquilla Nut
- Coral Bells
- Coral-Root
- Coreopsis
- Coriander
- Cork Oak
- Corkwood
- Corn
- Cornel
- Cornelian Cherry
- Cornflower
- Cosmos
- Cotton
- Cotton Grass
- Cottonwood
- Couch Grass
- Cow Lily
- Cowpea
- Cowslip
- Crabapple
- Crabgrass
- Cranberry
- Crane's-Bill
- Crape Myrtle
- Crazyweed
- Cream Cup
- Crepe Myrtle
- Crocus
- Croton, In Botany
- Crowberry
- Crowfoot
- Cubeb
- Cucumber
- Cucumber Tree
- Culver's Root
- Cumin
- Currant
- Custard-Apple
- Cycad
- Cyclamen
- Cypress, In Botany
- Daffodil
- Dahlia
- Daisy
- Dandelion
- Daphne, In Botany
- Dasheen
- Date
- Dawn Redwood
- Day Lily
- Dayflower
- Deadly Nightshade
- Delphinium
- Deodar
- Desert Lily
- Desert Trumpet
- Deutzia
- Devil's-Club
- Devil's-Paintbrush
- Dewberry
- Dianthus
- Diapensia
- Dill
- Dock
- Dodder
- Dogbane
- Dogtooth Violet
- Dogwood
- Douglas Fir
- Douglas Spruce
- Dropwort
- Duckweed
- Durian
- Durra
- Durum Wheat
- Dutchman's-Breeches
- Dutchman's-Pipe
- Dwarf Cornel
- Dyer's-Weed
- Ebony
- Edelweiss
- Eggplant
- Eglantine
- Elder
- Elecampane
- Elephant's-Ear
- Elephant's-Foot
- Elm
- Emmer Wheat
- Endive
- Enset
- Equisetophyta
- Eriogonum
- Escarole
- Eschscholtzia
- Esparcet
- Eucalyptus
- Euonymus
- Euphorbia
- Evening Primrose
- Evergreen
- Everlasting
- False Solomon's-Seal
- Fennel
- Fern
- Fescue
- Feterita
- Feverfew
- Fig
- Figwort
- Filbert
- Finocchio
- Fir
- Firethorn
- Fireweed
- Flag, In Botany
- Flax
- Fleabane
- Flowering Almond
- Flowering Maple
- Flowering Quince
- Foamflower
- Fonio
- Forget-Me-Not
- Forsythia
- Four-O'clock
- Foxglove
- Frankincense
- Freesia
- French Brier
- Fringeflower
- Frog's-Bit
- Frostweed
- Fuchsia
- Fumitory
- Furze
- Fustic
- Gaillardia
- Galax
- Gardenia
- Garlic
- Gay-Feather
- Genista
- Gentian
- Geranium
- Gerardia
- Gesneria
- Gherkin
- Giant Sequoia
- Gilia
- Gillyflower
- Ginger
- Ginkgo
- Ginseng
- Gladiolus
- Globe Amaranth
- Globeflower
- Glory Lily
- Gloxinia
- Goatsbeard
- Godetia
- Golden Chain
- Golden Glow
- Golden Shower
- Golden Tuft
- Goldenrod
- Goober
- Gooseberry
- Goosefoot
- Gorse
- Gourd
- Grape
- Grape Hyacinth
- Grapefruit
- Grass
- Grass Pink
- Grass-Of-Parnassus
- Greasewood
- Greenbrier
- Grenadine
- Ground Ivy
- Ground Laurel
- Ground Pine
- Groundnut
- Groundsel
- Guaraná
- Guava
- Guayule
- Guelder-Rose
- Gum Tree
- Gumbo
- Gypsophila
- Hackberry
- Hackmatack
- Hardhack
- Harebell
- Haw
- Hawkweed
- Hawthorn
- Hay, Livestock Fodder
- Hazel
- Heal-All
- Heath, In Botany
- Heather
- Helianthus
- Heliotrope
- Hellebore
- Hemlock
- Hemp
- Henbane
- Henequen
- Hepatica
- Herb Christopher
- Hercules'-Club
- Herd's-Grass
- Hibiscus
- Hickory, In Botany
- High-Bush Cranberry
- Hobblebush
- Holly
- Hollyhock
- Honey Locust
- Honeydew Melon
- Honeysuckle
- Hop
- Horehound
- Hornbeam
- Horse Chestnut
- Horse Nettle
- Horse-Radish
- Horsetail
- Hottentot Bread
- Hoya, In Botany
- Huckleberry
- Hyacinth, In Botany
- Hydrangea
- Hyssop
- Ice Plant
- Immortelle
- Impatiens
- Incense-Tree
- India-Rubber Tree
- Indian Nut
- Indian Paintbrush
- Indian Pipe
- Indian Rice
- Indian Shot
- Indian Tobacco
- Indian Turnip
- Innocence
- Insectivorous Plants
- Iris, In Botany
- Ironwood
- Ivory Nut
- Ivy
- Jacaranda
- Jack-In-The-Pulpit
- Jack-O'-Lantern
- Jacob's Ladder
- Jamestown Weed
- Japanese Flowering Cherry
- Japanese Quince
- Japonica
- Jasmine
- Jatropha
- Jerusalem Artichoke
- Jerusalem Cherry
- Jerusalem Thorn
- Jessamine
- Jewelweed
- Jimson Weed
- Job's-Tears
- Joe-Pye Weed
- Johnny-Jump-Up
- Johnson Grass
- Jonquil
- Joshua Tree
- Judas Tree
- Jujube
- Jumping Bean
- Juneberry
- Juniper
- Jute
- Kaffir
- Kail
- Kale
- Kaoliang
- Kapok
- Kava
- Kenilworth Ivy
- Khat
- King Devil
- Kohlrabi
- Kola
- Kudzu
- Kumquat
- Laburnum
- Ladies'-Tresses
- Lady's-Slipper
- Lamb's-Quarters
- Lantana
- Larch
- Larkspur, In Botany
- Laurel, In Botany
- Lavender
- Leadwort
- Leechee
- Leek
- Legume
- Lemon
- Lemon Balm
- Lentil
- Lepidodendron And Sigillaria
- Lespedeza
- Lettuce
- Lichee
- Licorice
- Lignum Vitae
- Lilac
- Lily
- Lily Of The Valley
- Lima Bean
- Lime, In Botany
- Linden, In Botany
- Liriodendron
- Litchi
- Live Oak
- Live-Forever
- Liverwort
- Lobelia
- Loblolly Pine
- Locoweed
- Locust, In Botany
- Lodgepole Pine
- Loganberry
- Logania
- Logwood
- Loofah
- Loosestrife
- Loquat
- Lotus
- Lovage
- Love-Apple
- Love-In-A-Mist
- Lucern
- Luffa
- Lupine
- Lychee
- Lycopodiophyta
- Macadamia
- Mace, In Botany And Cooking
- Madder
- Madonna Lily
- Madroño
- Magnolia, In Botany
- Magnoliophyta
- Maguey
- Mahogany
- Maidenhair Tree
- Maize
- Male Fern
- Mallow
- Mandrake
- Mangel-Wurzel
- Mango
- Mangosteen
- Mangrove
- Manila Hemp
- Manioc
- Manzanita
- Maple
- Mare's-Tail
- Marguerite, In Botany
- Marigold
- Mariposa Lily
- Marjoram
- Marram Grass
- Marsh Mallow
- Marsh Marigold
- Maté
- May Apple
- May, In Botany
- Mayflower, In Botany
- Maypop
- Meadow Beauty
- Meadow Rue
- Meadow Saffron
- Meadowsweet
- Medic
- Medlar
- Melilot
- Melissa
- Melon
- Meranti
- Mesquite, In Botany
- Metasequoia
- Mexican Jumping Bean
- Michaelmas Daisy
- Mignonette
- Milfoil
- Milkweed
- Milkwort
- Millet
- Milo, In Botany
- Mimosa, In Botany
- Mint, In Botany
- Mistletoe
- Miterwort
- Moccasin Flower
- Mock Orange
- Mockernut Hickory
- Mombin
- Monkey-Puzzle Tree
- Monkeypod
- Monkshood
- Monstera
- Moonflower
- Morning Glory
- Moss, In Botany
- Moth Mullein
- Mountain Ash, In Botany
- Mountain Laurel
- Mulberry
- Mullein
- Muskmelon
- Mustard
- Myrobalan
- Myrrh
- Myrtle
- Naranjilla
- Narcissus, In Botany
- Nasturtium
- Nectarine
- Neem Tree
- Nemophila
- Nettle
- New Zealand Spinach
- Nicotiana
- Night-Blooming Cereus
- Nightshade
- Ninebark
- Norfolk Island Pine
- Nutmeg
- Oak
- Oats
- Oenothera
- Okra
- Old-Man's-Beard
- Oleander
- Oleaster
- Olive
- Ombú
- Onion
- Orange, In Botany
- Orchard Grass
- Orchid
- Oregano
- Oregon Grape
- Orpine
- Orrisroot
- Osage Orange
- Osier
- Oswego Tea
- Oxalis
- Oxeye
- Oyster Plant
- Pachysandra
- Painted Cup
- Painted Tongue
- Palm
- Palmetto Palm
- Palmyra Palm
- Pampas Grass
- Panama-Hat Palm
- Pansy
- Papaya
- Paper Birch
- Paprika
- Papyrus
- Pará Rubber Tree
- Paraguay Tea
- Parsley
- Parsnip, In Botany
- Partridgeberry
- Pasqueflower
- Passionflower
- Patchouli
- Pawpaw
- Pea
- Peach
- Peanut
- Pear
- Pear, Prickly
- Peat Moss
- Pecan
- Peepul
- Pelican Flower
- Pennyroyal
- Pentstemon
- Peony
- Pepper
- Pepper Tree
- Pepper-Vine
- Peppergrass
- Pepperidge
- Peppermint
- Pepperwood
- Periwinkle, In Botany
- Persimmon
- Peruvian Bark
- Petunia
- Philodendron
- Phlox
- Pickerelweed
- Pieplant
- Pignolia
- Pignut Hickory
- Pigweed
- Pimento
- Pimiento
- Pimpernel
- Pincushion Flower
- Pine
- Pineapple
- Pink
- Piñon
- Pinophyta
- Pinxter Flower
- Pipal
- Pipe Tree
- Pipe Vine
- Pipsissewa
- Pistachio
- Pitch Pine
- Pitcher Plant
- Plane Tree
- Plantain
- Plantain Lily
- Pleurisy Root
- Plum, In Botany
- Pogonia
- Poinciana
- Poinsettia
- Poison Hemlock
- Poison Ivy
- Poison Oak
- Poison Sumac
- Pokeweed
- Polemonium
- Polypodiophyta
- Pomegranate
- Pomelo
- Pond Lily
- Pondweed
- Poor-Man's-Orchid
- Poplar, In Botany
- Poppy
- Portulaca
- Pot Marigold
- Potato
- Prairie Smoke
- Prickly Ash
- Prickly Pear
- Primrose
- Primula
- Prince's Pine
- Privet
- Prune
- Psilotophyta
- Psyllium Seed
- Pulse, In Botany
- Pumpkin
- Purslane
- Pussley
- Pussy Willow
- Pyracantha
- Pyrethrum
- Qat
- Quack Grass
- Quaker-Ladies
- Quaking Grass
- Quassia
- Quebracho
- Queen Anne's Lace
- Queen Of The Meadow
- Queensland Nut
- Quillwort
- Quince
- Quinoa
- Rabbitbrush
- Radish
- Ragged Robin
- Ragweed
- Ragwort
- Rain Tree
- Rambler Rose
- Ramontchi
- Ramp
- Rape, In Botany
- Raspberry
- Rattan
- Rattlesnake Weed
- Red Cedar
- Red Fir
- Red Maids
- Red Pepper
- Red Spruce
- Red Squill
- Redbud
- Redtop
- Redwood
- Reed
- Reed Mace
- Reindeer Moss
- Resurrection Plant
- Rhododendron
- Rhodora
- Rhubarb
- Rhyniophyta
- Ribbon Grass
- Rice
- Rice-Paper Plant
- Robin's Plantain
- Rocket, In Botany
- Rockfoil
- Rose
- Rose Of Jericho
- Rose Of Sharon
- Rosemary
- Rosewood
- Rosinweed
- Rowan Tree
- Rubber Plant
- Rudbeckia
- Rue
- Ruellia
- Running Pine
- Rush
- Russian Thistle
- Rutabaga
- Rye Grass
- Rye, In Botany
- Sabatia
- Safflower
- Saffron
- Sage
- Sagebrush
- Saguaro
- Sainfoin
- Salpiglossis
- Salsify
- Salvia
- Sandalwood
- Sandbur
- Sapodilla
- Sapote
- Sarsaparilla
- Sassafras
- Satinwood
- Savory
- Saxifrage
- Scabiosa
- Scallion
- Scammony
- Scarlet Runner
- Scotch Broom
- Screwpine
- Sea Pink
- Sedge
- Sedum
- Sego Lily
- Self-Heal
- Senega Snakeroot
- Senna
- Sensitive Plant
- Sequoia
- Serviceberry
- Sesame
- Shadbush
- Shaddock
- Shallot
- Shallu
- Shamrock
- Sheep Laurel
- Shepherd's-Purse
- Shittim Wood
- Shooting Star, In Botany
- Sigillaria
- Silkweed
- Silver Poplar
- Sisal Hemp
- Skunk Cabbage
- Slash Pine
- Slipperwort
- Sloe
- Smartweed
- Smilax
- Smokeball
- Snakeroot
- Snapdragon
- Snapweed
- Sneezeweed
- Snow Plant
- Snow-On-The-Mountain
- Snowball
- Snowberry
- Snowdrop
- Soap Plant
- Soapbark Tree
- Soapberry
- Soapwort
- Solomon's-Seal
- Sorghum
- Sorrel
- Sorrel Tree
- Souari
- Sour Gum
- Southern Beech
- Soybean
- Spanish Bayonet
- Spanish Dagger
- Spanish Moss
- Spanish Needles
- Spatterdock
- Spearmint
- Speedwell
- Sphagnum
- Spicebush
- Spider-Flower
- Spiderwort
- Spikenard
- Spinach
- Spindle Tree
- Spiraea
- Spring Beauty
- Spruce
- Spurge
- Spurry
- Squash
- Squawweed
- Squill
- Squirrel Corn
- Squirting Cucumber
- St.-John's-Bread
- St.-John's-Wort
- Staff Tree
- Star Anise
- State Flowers
- Steeplebush
- Sterculia
- Stick-Tight
- Stigmaria
- Stock, In Botany
- Stonecrop
- Stonewort
- Stramonium
- Strangler Fig
- Strawberry
- Strawberry Geranium
- Strawflower
- Succory
- Sudan Grass
- Sugar Beet
- Sugar Maple
- Sugarcane
- Sumac
- Sundew
- Sunflower
- Swede
- Sweet Cicely
- Sweet Clover
- Sweet Fern
- Sweet Flag
- Sweet Gale
- Sweet Gum
- Sweet Pea
- Sweet Potato
- Sweet William
- Sweetbriar
- Sweetbrier
- Swiss Chard
- Sycamore
- Syringa
- Tacamahac
- Tagua
- Tallow Tree
- Tamarack
- Tamarind
- Tamarisk
- Tampico Hemp
- Tangelo
- Tangerine
- Tansy
- Tare
- Taro
- Tarragon
- Tarweed
- Tea
- Teak
- Teasel
- Teff
- Teosinte
- Terebinth
- Thistle
- Thoroughwort
- Thrift
- Thyme
- Tickseed
- Tiger Lily
- Tigernut
- Timothy , In Botany
- Toadflax
- Tobacco
- Tomato
- Tonka Bean
- Tonqua Bean
- Toothache Tree
- Toothwort
- Touch-Me-Not
- Toyon
- Trailing Arbutus
- Traveler's-Joy
- Tree Fern
- Tree Of Heaven
- Trefoil
- Trillium
- Trumpet Creeper
- Tuberose
- Tulip
- Tulip Tree
- Tumbleweed
- Tung Tree
- Tupelo , In Botany
- Turmeric
- Turnip
- Turpentine Tree
- Twayblade
- Umbrella Tree
- Umkokola
- Upas Tree
- Upland Cress
- Valerian, In Botany
- Vanilla
- Vegetable Ivory
- Vegetable Marrow
- Velvetweed
- Venus's Looking-Glass
- Venus's-Flytrap
- Verbena
- Veronica, In Botany
- Vervain
- Vetch
- Viburnum
- Violet
- Virgin's-Bower
- Virginia Bluebell
- Virginia Cowslip
- Virginia Creeper
- Wahoo
- Wake-Robin
- Wallflower
- Walnut
- Wandering Jew, In Botany
- Water Chestnut
- Water Clover
- Water Fern
- Water Hemlock
- Water Hyacinth
- Water Lily
- Water Oats
- Watercress
- Waterleaf
- Watermelon
- Waterwheel, Plant
- Wattle
- Wax Myrtle
- Wax Plant
- Wayfaring Tree
- Weigela
- Western Red Cedar
- Wheat
- Wheat Grass
- White Alder
- White Snakeroot
- Whitewood
- Whortleberry
- Wild Allspice
- Wild Carrot
- Wild Hyacinth
- Wild Leek
- Wild Rice
- Willow
- Willow Herb
- Windflower
- Wingnut
- Winter Cress
- Winterberry
- Wintergreen
- Wistaria
- Wisteria
- Witch Hazel
- Woad
- Wolfsbane
- Wollemi Pine
- Wood Sorrel
- Woodbine
- Wormwood
- Yam
- Yarrow
- Yellow Daisy
- Yellow Poplar
- Yellowwood
- Yerba Buena
- Yerba Maté
- Yew
- Youth-And-Old-Age
- Yucca
- Zedoary
- Zinnia
Browse by Subject
- Earth and the Environment +-
- History +-
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