Biographies: Notable Philosophers
Updated August 5, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

Notable Philosophers
- Abelard, Peter, French philosopher and teacher
- Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund, German philosopher
- Alexander of Aphrodisias, Greek Peripatetic philosopher
- Anaxagoras, Greek philosopher
- Anaximander, Greek philosopher
- Anaximenes, Greek philosopher
- Anderson, John, Scottish-Australian philosopher
- Anselm, Saint, English philosopher and Archbishop
- Aristippus, Greek philosopher
- Aristotle, Greek philosopher
- Augustine, Saint, Latin fathers in the early Christian Church
- Austin, John Langshaw, British philosopher
- Averroí«s, Spanish-Arab philosopher
- Avicenna, Islamic philosopher and physician
- Ayer, Sir Alfred Jules, British philosopher
- Bachelard, Gaston, French philosopher
- Bacon, Francis, English philosopher
- Bayle, Pierre, French philosopher
- Bentham, Jeremy, English philosopher
- Bergson, Henri, French philosopher
- Berkeley, George, Anglo-Irish philosopher and clergyman
- Black, Max, American analytical philosopher
- Bloch, Ernst, German Marxist philosopher
- Blondel, Maurice, French Catholic philosopher
- Boethius, Roman philosopher
- Bosanquet, Bernard, English philosopher
- Bradley, Francis Herbert, English philosopher
- Brentano, Franz, German philosopher and psychologist
- Brown, Norman Oliver, American scholar
- Bruno, Giordano, Italian philosopher
- Brunschvicg, Léon, French philosopher
- Buber, Martin, Jewish philosopher
- Buridan, Jean, French scholastic philosopher
- Campanella, Tommaso, Italian Renaissance philosopher and writer
- Carnap, Rudolf, German-American philosopher
- Carneades, Greek philosopher
- Carus, Paul, American philosopher
- Cassirer, Ernst, German philosopher
- Chrysippus, Greek Stoic philosopher
- Clarke, Samuel, English philosopher and divine
- Cleanthes, Greek philosopher
- Cohen, Hermann, German philosopher
- Cohen, Morris Raphael, American philosopher
- Collingwood, Robin George, English philosopher and historian
- Comte, Auguste, French philosopher
- Condillac, Étienne Bonnot de, French philosopher
- Confucius, Chinese sage
- Croce, Benedetto, Italian philosopher
- Crusius, Christian August, German philosopher and theologian
- Cudworth, Ralph, English theologian and philosopher
- Davidson, Donald Herbert, American philosopher
- Democritus, Greek philosopher
- Derrida, Jacques, French philosopher
- Descartes, René, French philosopher
- Dessoir, Max, German philosopher
- Dewey, John, American philosopher and educator
- Diderot, Denis, French encyclopedist, philosopher of materialism
- Dilthey, Wilhelm, German philosopher
- Diogenes, Greek Cynic philosopher
- Diogenes of Apollonia, Greek philosopher
- Dionysius the Areopagite, Saint, Athenian Christian
- Drobisch, Moritz Wilhelm, German philosopher and mathematician
- Duns Scotus, John, scholastic philosopher and theologian
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo, American poet and essayist, spokesman of transcendentalism
- Empedocles, Greek philosopher
- Epictetus, Phrygian Stoic philosopher
- Epicurus, Greek philosopher
- Erasmus, Dutch humanist
- Eucken, Rudolf Christoph, German philosopher
- Euclid of Megara, Greek philosopher
- Ferguson, Adam, Scottish philosopher and historian
- Feuerbach, Ludwig Andreas, German philosopher
- Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, German philosopher
- Ficino, Marsilio, Italian philosopher
- Foucault, Michel, French philosopher and historian
- Frege, Gottlob, German philosopher and mathematician
- Gadamer, Hans-Georg, German philosopher
- Gentile, Giovanni, Italian philosopher and educator
- Ghazali, al-, Islamic theologian
- Gilson, Étienne, French philosopher and historian
- Goodman, Nelson, American philosopher
- Gorgias, Greek Sophist
- Green, Thomas Hill, English idealist philosopher
- Hägerstrom, Axel, Swedish philosopher
- Hí¸ffding, Harald, Danish philosopher
- Habermas, Jurgen, German philosopher
- Hamilton, Sir William, Scottish philosopher
- Hampshire, Sir Stuart Newton, British philosopher
- Hartmann, Eduard von, German philosopher
- Hartmann, Nicolai, German philosopher
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, German philosopher
- Heidegger, Martin, German philosopher
- Helvétius, Claude Adrien, French philosopher
- Heraclitus, Greek philosopher
- Hobbes, Thomas, English philosopher
- Hocking, William Ernest, American idealist philosopher
- Holbach, Paul Henri Thiry, baron d', French philosopher
- Horkheimer, Max, German philosopher and sociologist
- Hui Shih, Chinese logician
- Hume, David, Scottish philosopher and historian
- Husserl, Edmund, German philosopher
- Hutcheson, Francis, British philosopher
- Hypatia, Alexandrian Neoplatonic philosopher and mathematician
- Iamblichus, Syrian philosopher
- Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich, German philosopher
- James, William, American philosopher
- Jaspers, Karl, German philosopher and psychopathologist
- Joad, Cyril Edwin Mitchinson, English philosopher
- John of Salisbury, English scholastic philosopher
- Joubert, Joseph, French moralist
- Kant, Immanuel, German metaphysician
- Kierkegaard, Sí¸ren Aabye, Danish philosopher and religious thinker
- Kindi, al-, Arab philosopher
- KoÅakowski, Leszek, Polish philosopher
- La Mettrie, Julien Offray de, French physician and philosopher
- Lange, Friedrich Albert, German neo-Kantian philosopher
- Langer, Susanne Knauth, American philosopher
- Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher
- Leibniz or Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Baron von, German philosopher and mathematician
- Leucippus, Greek philosopher
- Lewis, Clarence Irving, American philosopher
- Locke, John, English philosopher
- Longinus, Greek rhetorician and philosopher
- Lotze, Rudolf Hermann, German philosopher and psychologist
- Lovejoy, Arthur Oncken, American philosopher and intellectual historian
- Lull, Ramón, Catalan philosopher
- MacIntyre, Alasdair C., American philosopher
- Maimon, Salomon, German philosopher
- Maimonides, Jewish scholar, physician, and philosopher
- Maine de Biran, French philosopher
- Malebranche, Nicolas, French philosopher
- Marcel, Gabriel, French philosopher
- Maritain, Jacques, French Neo-Thomist philosopher
- Martineau, James, English philosopher and Unitarian clergyman
- McCosh, James, Scottish-American philosopher and educator
- McTaggart, John McTaggart Ellis, British philosopher
- Mead, George Herbert, American philosopher and psychologist
- Mendelssohn, Moses, German-Jewish philosopher
- Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, French philosopher
- Mill, James, British philosopher, economist, and historian
- Mill, John Stuart, British philosopher and economist
- Millar, John, Scottish philosopher and historian
- Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondat, baron de la Brí¨de et de, French jurist and political philosopher
- Moore, George, English author
- Moore, George Edward, English philosopher
- More, Henry, English philosopher
- Mo-Tzu, Chinese philosopher
- Nagel, Ernest, American philosopher
- Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, German philosopher
- Nozick, Robert, American political philosopher
- Origen, Christian philosopher and scholar
- Ortega y Gasset, José, Spanish essayist and philosopher
- Parmenides, Greek philosopher
- Peirce, Charles Sanders, American philosopher and polymath
- Perry, Ralph Barton, American realist philosopher
- Philo, Alexandrian Jewish philosopher
- Philostratus, Greek Sophist
- Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni, Conte, Italian philosopher and humanist
- Plato, Greek philosopher
- Plotinus, Neoplatonist philosopher
- Popper, Sir Karl Raimund, Anglo-Austrian philosopher
- Popper-Lynkeus, Josef, Austrian philosopher
- Porphyry, Greek scholar and Neoplatonic philosopher
- Proclus, Neoplatonic philosopher
- Protagoras, Greek philosopher
- Pyrrho, Greek philosopher
- Pythagoras, pre-Socratic Greek philosopher
- Quine, W. V., American philosopher and mathematical logician
- Ramus, Petrus, French humanist and philosopher
- Rawls, John Bordley, American philosopher and political theorist
- Reid, Thomas, Scottish philosopher
- Rorty, Richard, American philosopher
- Rosenzweig, Franz, German-Jewish philosopher
- Rousseau, Jean Jacques, Swiss-French philosopher
- Royce, Josiah, American philosopher
- Russell, Bertrand Arthur William, British philosopher
- Ryle, Gilbert, British philosopher
- Santayana, George, American philosopher and poet
- Scheler, Max, German philosopher
- Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von, German philosopher
- Schiller, Ferdinand Canning Scott, British philosopher
- Schlick, Moritz, German philosopher
- Schopenhauer, Arthur, German philosopher
- Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3d earl of, English philosopher
- Sidgwick, Henry, English philosopher
- Socrates, Greek philosopher of Athens
- Spencer, Herbert, English philosopher
- Speusippus, Greek philosopher
- Spinoza, Baruch or Benedict, Dutch philosopher
- Stewart, Dugald, Scottish philosopher
- Stirling, James Hutchison, Scottish philosopher
- Strauss, Leo, American philosopher
- Strawson, Peter Frederick, British philosopher
- Tarski, Alfred, Polish-American mathematician and philosopher
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, French paleontologist and philosopher
- Thales, pre-Socratic Greek philosopher
- Theophrastus, Greek philosopher
- Thomas Aquinas, Saint, Italian philosopher and theologian
- Unamuno, Miguel de, Spanish philosophical writer
- Vaihinger, Hans, German philosopher
- Vico, Giovanni Battista, Italian philosopher and historian
- Walzer, Michael, American political philosopher
- Weil, Simone, French philosopher and mystic
- William of Occam or Ockham, English scholastic philosopher
- Williams, Sir Bernard, English philosopher
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig Josef Johann, Austrian philosopher
- Wolff or Wolf, Christian von, German philosopher
- Xenocrates, Greek philosopher
- Xenophanes, pre-Socratic Greek philosopher
- Zeno of Elea, Greek philosopher